Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The "Day" and time

How easily time slips by! In the two months since my last post time and energy demands have increased greatly. There seems to be a break in the demands, so I hope to get back to the series on technical terms in original language texts and correspondingly in translations. However, given the time demands, I may shorten the studies considerably.

I remember as a young child that a day was a long time, and a year? That was beyond imagination for how long that was. Now, a day disappears before I can turn around, or so it seems. In reality, as a six year old, a year was 1/6 of my life. But now, a year is... well, about 1/60 of my life.

In light of the eschatological focus of the "Day of the Lord" (previous post) I have begun to observe the truth of how "soon" Jesus' return will be. This has personal application as well. According to the Psalmist our time on earth is "fleeting". Thus, I come face-to-face with my legacy as a person of God. How will I spend my "time"? Will it be meeting deadlines that others impose? Will it be ordered by my God? Will I have time to do all I want... or better, need to do?

So, I am taking time to sort out time and my use of, or waste, of time. Sometimes it isn't pretty, but that shouldn't be surprising since I am still a sinner. At the same time, I am beginning to see God's use of my time, and what happens when I dedicate my time, all of my time, to him. It is okay to say "no" to demands on my time, if the time really belongs to the Lord.

So, I am having the "time of my life", as I wait for the "day of my life" in Jesus.